During the Crisis

You would think that during’ this stay at home crisis’ I’d be good at posting. You’d think…but you’d be wrong.  I did have a book due. I sat my self in my computer chair and wrote. Since I’ve been writing a long time and been published since 1993. I’ve learned the secret of professional writers is writing. It doesn’t matter if you feel inspired or not, write. Your paycheck depends on it. Continue reading “During the Crisis”


I failed. I didn’t post on Monday…but I want do it today.. My latest is Captain Zeta Newland, an Army Nurse who is chaperoning her niece’s  senior prom.  She was comfortable tending wounded soldiers Afghanistan but dealing with high school seniors worries her. It’s been fun getting to know her and the hero, the other chaperon, Sheriff Gabe Worth. I search for pictures of what they look like. Zeta is still a cowgirl. Continue reading “Oops”